Love Grows

It’s funny how as we grow older, our perception of our parents change. Have you ever gone through the stage where you used to cling to your mom and dad for dear life? They were the smartest, greatest people in the world! Then, comes the phase where we start growing wings and they aren’t the coolest people to be seen with. We’d be embarrassed for them to meet our friends or our friends’ parents. After that, we realize they may have had a point for the things they’ve said and done as they raised us and we start seeing them as friends. Now that I’m a mom, there may be things I might do differently from them but there are many more things I would replicate.

My parents just celebrated their 39th wedding anniversary.  Through the good and the bad, they’ve been an example of a strong, faith-filled, prayerful, committed and loving couple. As kids, my siblings and I have never once wondered whether their marriage would last. Even though they’ve had their differences, they would always stick together. They weren’t the greatest at keeping in touch with people, but they were satisfied in having each other as best friends.  What others thought of them was never an issue.

Were they perfect? Nope. But they’ve always been great at turning to God together and always welcomed questions about God as we were growing up. They understood that as humans, they had limitations and showed us how much they needed God. My mom used to be sick a lot with severe asthma and my dad was always taking care of her. Now, the role has been reversed as his body is ravaged by Parkinson’s. Mom is there. She is hopeful everyday that God will heal him soon. She’s a small lady and has trouble taking care of him but he can’t bear the thought of anyone else looking after him.  As I watch her reading the Bible to him now, I pray and hope that my marriage will be just as strong for years to come with a foundation that is solely built on Christ. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!

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