Measuring Up

Sometimes I find myself lacking patience and lashing out at my kids for the tiniest of things. And then I wonder…What are we doing?? We’re in the process of getting MORE kids! Sheesh! (Everyone that knows my kids know how low maintenance they are.)

I don’t know about other parents but as soon as my impatience and stress takes a toll on my kids, I’m filled with such remorse. I’ve been praying a lot for grace and patience because I constantly struggle with my inadequacy as a parent. Before we ever thought about being parents or even adopting…I knew it was God’s plan for our family. And I totally believe he’s doing a work in me. 

Just yesterday I was reading the passage in the Bible where the Israelites were traveling through the desert and they were told to gather one omer (about 2 quarts) of manna (bread from heaven) for each person in their family. (Exodus 16:16-18.) Some people gathered a lot and others a little. But when it came time to measure it, those that gathered a lot didn’t have a lot…it was just right. And those that gathered a little..didn’t have less…turned out they had the perfect amount as well!

Made me think of the areas in my life where I work too hard to get things right and in other areas (like parenting), I don’t seem to measure up. But you know what’s so cool about knowing God? He fills the gap!! Regardless of what we think we need or how much we need of something, He makes sure we have exactly enough when the time comes…. what a relief! 

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