I am absolutely in awe of the way God has been providing for us. We have reached 40% of our current goal. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your heart to give and make this possible.
I’ve come across people that think the reason why we are adopting is because we can afford it..and I’d like to say that’s true. We can afford it ONLY because of generous and kind-hearted people that God has surrounded us with. He has asked us to step out in faith and be obedient. And anytime He’s asked us to step outside of our comfort zone, He’s always provided! So now more than ever, I believe we’ll reach our goal and then some.. 🙂
Most of the adoptive families I’ve met don’t have it all together. They don’t have it all together when it comes to finances, material things or even the best parenting skills. But they have enough love and a huge heart so if you are considering adoption…don’t freak out about how much it costs! Your children are worth it….they are worth the time, frustration, money and everything else that comes with adoption.
Sure, we’ve had to put off shopping for awhile, eating out too much, buying furniture, going on vacations, etc etc…but we give up things we love for things we love even more!!
This process has made it even more clear to me of how much God intended for us to live together in community and how much we need each other. So I gotta agree with the saying, “It takes a village to raise children”. We are thankful for our village.
Lil George Fund: http://www.gofundme.com/5lymfo
P.S. I’ve been blog-stalking a family who just got their little boy from India!!! Check out: myheartisforindia