lessons learned

10 Life Lessons That I’ve Learned

So here are a few lessons I’ve learned along the way as I just celebrated my birthday. (This is not in any particular order):

1. It’s okay to not have the trendiest clothes, own only a handful of shoes and not clutter your home (or life) with too many ‘things’. At the end of the day, no one really cares about all that but you (unless it’s part of your job)!

2. Live within your means. It brings about less stress and more money to share = bliss.

3. Give! Give your time and attention to what matters most- God and family…and a few close friends! Give resources & finances to a cause bigger than yourself!

4. Instead of trying to make your kids the smartest little people on the planet, introduce them to Jesus, model for them the character of Christ and a great marriage.

5. Love your husband unconditionally and make sure your kids have what they NEED. Everything else is just icing to make sweeter but won’t hurt to live without.

6. Cling to God for dear life- in the good and bad times. Seek Him continuously even for the tiniest things. Oh, and once you give a situation to Him, leave it with Him, don’t take it back so you can suffer insomnia by worrying about it.

7. Always remember that your calling as a wife comes first! Then, being a mom (if you are one). Lastly is your ministry/career.

8. For people like me (because I work at a church)..Don’t confuse ‘being in ministry’ with having a relationship with Christ or you’ll end up taking a ‘vacation’ from God – CrAzY!!

9. Enjoy today. From the time you wake up to the time you go to sleep, find  something or create something to look forward to. (It could be playing a game with your family, taking a walk with your hubby after work, working out, friend time, a book….). The day will come and go quickly so don’t miss it!

10. Take baby steps towards improvement in life. And just like babies, when you fall, get back up & try again! (For me, it’s eating healthy and working out. I feel better about myself when I do it but I have to make that choice a day at a time.)

That’s my rant for today. 🙂

(Aren’t you glad I only shared a ‘few’? Whew!)

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