Summer has come and gone in a flash! It was a hard season for Alan & I with so much going on but we’re thankful for some great memories. To sum it up, here’s our highlight reel:
July 29 -Our case was filed in the India court system
August 1 -Alan’s birthday. We (his mom and I) took him out to have some fabulous roasted duck at a Chinese joint with the kids – only to find out that they were actually just getting ME out of the house so our friends and family could throw us a surprise baby shower! Totally didn’t see that coming! We did end the day off by having dinner with the family for his birthday though. 😉

August also marked the first day of school for my kiddos. I have a brand-new kindergartner and second grader. Thankfully, they’re both enjoying school so far and I’m so happy they can see each other occasionally through out the day.

August 28 -On the adoption front, we’ve had to make copies, notarize and apostille passports and OCI cards for our agency.

They just informed us last week that they needed updated medical letters for our kiddos. We’re working on getting that out to them. Apparently, they need it for a court hearing that is scheduled for the end of the month. Yippee!!
In speaking with our agency further, it was confirmed that the upcoming court hearing isn’t our first…it’s probably our second or possibly third….which is great because that means we’re further along than we had hoped! It’s definitely starting to hit us that we’re so close to the end of the finish line. Our family is talking about her so much more and preparing our hearts to be a family of 5. 🙂
Now if we can only clean up our closets, kids’ room and put up a crib…
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory -Ephesians 3:20 (NIV)
(Lil George Fund: