Finances are a huge concern and challenge for any adoption. But here’s why finances shouldn’t be an obstacle to adopt – God always provides for everything He leads you to do! To all of you who have supported us financially & in prayer, we want to say ‘Thank you’. I’m not sure Alan and I can adequately express our appreciation and gratitude for such generous, thoughtful and kind hearts. We are beyond grateful.
In all honesty, our total for adoption was estimated at $40K but we realized having a goal of $40K was a bit intimidating! LOL. We put a goal of $11K in GoFundMe to help us along and we hit it! YAY!! YAY! YAY!! So as of today, we’ve paid a total of about $35K towards our adoption. 🙂
Our agency informed us that we had more paperwork than the average family -partially because of the specific orphanage and area we are dealing with, which increased our expenses. On top of that, today, we were told that the state we are dealing with is asking for a bond fee. Blah. As it stands right now, it looks like we’ll exceed the 40K before all is said and done. A few of you have asked us what we have left so we asked our agency to give us the best breakdown they could. Regardless of which state our child is in, we have to travel to Delhi to visit the U.S. Embassy for her visa (which explains the in-country airfare).
This should (saying that term loosely) be the last leg of our expenses:

Throughout this journey, we’ve been constantly reminded of God’s provision, faithfulness, and love through a great community of people. We hope and pray our family is a blessing to countless number of people – just as so many of you have been a blessing to us! We believe more today than ever before that God intends us to live in community with each other and we can do so much more together than apart!
(Lil George Fund: