I’m sure we’ve all been in moments were ‘waiting’ has just been unbearable- whether that’s waiting in a long line, in traffic…or maybe it’s even as big as waiting for healing or for God to respond/intervene in a situation. Regardless, the ‘waiting’ part is not usually fun and seems like a waste of precious time!
If you are anything like me, you can relate when I say that I can NOT sit still. I constantly have to be doing something! But there’s always going to be moments and seasons in our life where things are simply out of our control and we just have to wait it out. Our family is in a season like that now…just waiting for God to do something. Funny thing is that there’s only two things I CAN do right now… either worry that it’s taking too long or sit back and relax.
I am reminded of a verse in the Bible, taken from Mathew 6:27. It basically says, “Who can add a single hour to his life by worrying?”. The answer is no one. But I do believe that a number of us can take days OFF of our life by worrying!!! 🙂 Needless to say, I’ve chosen to relax. God says that those who wait on Him will renew their strength. They will mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired, walk and not grow faint. God doesn’t see our waiting as time wasted- He uses every minute to do something in us. Now that’s worth the wait!