Everyday I am reminded of how blessed I am- not because I have a family, a home, a job, etc. I am blessed because I am fortunate to be loved. Doesn’t everyone want to be loved? I know I do. Today is one of those days where I just feel so loved. You may be wondering why – (Nope, my hubby didn’t buy me flowers today and my kids weren’t showering me with kisses).
Today I celebrate the day when someone loved me so much that he decided I was a big enough deal to die for! His name is Jesus and I’m so humbled to say that He is the greatest love of my life. In the Bible, there’s a verse (John 15:13) that says, “Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” And in verse 15 it goes on to say that He calls us his friends. You can’t find that kind of love anywhere else! A love that was extended to us when we were unlovable.
If you don’t feel loved today- know that Jesus loves you- Just as you are-regardless of what mistakes you’ve made. If you were the only one in this world…I believe He still would’ve died for you!
Isn’t it great to be loved?