
  • It’s not just about changing the life of a child; it’s about God using a child to change our lives.

  • Life Lessons

    We just got our adoption education approved! Yay! It consisted of 9-10 hours of dvds along with questions we had to complete. Some of the questions we had to complete were about discrimination…

  • Trust Test Cont’d..

    Where I work, we are big on finding out what your strengths are when you join the team. My first 3 strengths are arranger, responsibility and achiever. You may be wondering what that…

  • Doing Life.

    Last weekend was our first adoption fundraiser…a garage sale! For those of you who are not familiar with a garage sale, people sell all their used/unused ‘stuff’ that they don’t want anymore. Others…

  • ‘The Trust Test’

    Saying “this past week has been overwhelming” is definitely an understatement. My left eye has been twitching the last few days and I am convinced it’s stress-induced…so is the constant mother and daughter…

  • Morning Sickness??

    I’m sure there is someone out there that can relate to me… I was never the ‘happy’ pregnant woman. Both my pregnancies were miserable with morning sickness, nausea, mood swings and more.  As…

  • Our Journey Begins…

    For years, we have had a tugging on our hearts ….you know, the kind of feeling that you shrug off today, just to have it start all over again tomorrow! That’s what we’ve…